C-test examples (Set 2)


1. Female Heads of State

For centuries, leadership positions at the highest levels of government were a male domain. How, the 21st cen is witne a sh increase i the num of wo assuming t role o Head o State. Curr, nearly 30 nat are l by wo, which i a signi increase wh compared wi just a dec ago. Threfl a gro recognition o women's leade abilities a a global push for gender equality. Most political analysts expect this trend to continue, paving the way for a more gender balanced future.

2. Me and my school shyness

Starting a new school year always brings a mix of excitement and anxiety. For som shy li me, t anxiety of overshadows t excitement. Wal into a clas full o unfamiliar fa can fe overwhelming. I of sit qui, hoping nob will appr me, a the fe of say the wr thing o being jud keeps m from spea up. Ov time, how, I ha learned that taking small steps, like smiling or making eye contact, can help ease the tension. Little by little, I'm getting my shyness under control.

3. The impact of influencers and streamers

Influencers and streamers have a significant impact on young people. They of serve a role mod, shaping tre and opin. Many teen look u to th digital crea for inspi and adv. However, i is impo to reme that soc media can some present a idealized ver of rea, so i is cru to appr content criti and under that n everything you see online is genuine. Despite this, influencers and streamers can positively influence their audience by promoting creativity, self-expression, and community.

4. The origin of the tapa

We all love tapas – those delicious little Spanish snacks that come in endless varieties. B have y ever wond where th tasty trad comes fr? The tr is, t origin o the ta is a b of a mys. One the is th during h weather, barte used t cover gla of wi with sli of br or cu meat t keep o annoying fl. This "tapa", which translates to "lid" in Spanish, might have evolved into the small savoury dishes we know and love today.