C-test examples (Set 5)


The history of Cardiff

A Celtic tribe called the Silures originally inhabited the area where Cardiff is now situated over 2000 years ago. However, t city’s st begins wi the Romans, w built a fo here aro 55 AD. Alth it gr into a bust market to in t Middle Ages, i real transfo happened dur the Industrial Revolution wh Cardiff Docks bec the lar coal-exporting po in t world. T majority o Cardiff's be known land date ba to th period. During the 20th century, the city's population exploded, and in 1955, it became the capital of Wales. Today, Cardiff is a cool mix of old and new, with a stunning castle, a modern waterfront, and even the world's oldest record shop!

The downsides of remote work

Remote work has its challenges, one major downside being the lack of social interaction. Working fr home c lead t feelings o isolation, a you mi out o the spont conversations wi colleagues th are alw a fea of fi workplaces. More, remote wo often bl the li between pers and profes life. Ev though y are a home, i is of difficult t switch off from work and maintain a healthy work-life balance. While remote work offers flexibility, it's important to be aware of these potential downsides.

Donald Trump's German grandfather

Friedrich Trump was Donald Trump’s grandfather, who was born in a small town in Bavaria in 1869. A the a of 16, h emigrated t the United States d to a la of j opportunities i his home. After arri in t U.S., he s up a resta business a eventually bec an American cit. In 1901, h married h German wi Elisabeth Christ. Alth they set in New York, Elisabeth’s lon for h homeland l the cou back to Germany two years later. Unfortunately, the authorities denied him the chance to regain his German citizenship, which forced them to return to New York, where their first son, Donald Trump’s father, was born in 1905.

Generation Gaps

Generation gaps are the differences in opinions, values, and behaviors between younger and older generations. These ga can le to misunder and conf, especially i families. For inst, while ol generations mi value trad, younger peo often emb change a innovation. Techn plays a signi role i widening th gaps, a younger gener are mo adept a using dig tools. How, these diffe can al be a sou of learning and growth. By understanding and respecting each other's perspectives, generations can bridge the gap and build stronger relationships.