C-test examples (Set 4)


1. Nature or nurture

Do you ever wonder why you are good at maths or love to sing? Is i something y are bo with a a result o your ge, or i it t do wi your upbri and surrou? This conu has h scientists scrat their he for cent. Well, i turns o it i not rea either/or! Ins, recent rese suggests i is a com interplay o both. Your genes might provide the potential for athletics, for instance, but it is your environment (sports facilities, encouraging parents etc) that turns that potential into reality.

2. The fear of flying

Flying can be scary, especially if it is your first time. The tho of be high ab the gro in a me tube c make any nervous. B remember, fly is o of t safest wa to tra. Pilots a highly tra, and pla are bu to han almost anyt. To alle anxiety, brea exercises a extremely effe at soot your ner. You could also try reading a book or listening to music. Just remember that every flight brings you closer to new adventures and experiences. So, take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy the journey!

3. Free speech

Free speech is a cornerstone of democracy, and allows for the unfiltered exchange of ideas, fostering debate and progress. Nevert, the con of fr expression i more nua than i, at fi, appears. Mo legal sys establish bound to safe public saf and indiv rights. F instance, spe that inc imminent viol is n protected un the l. Similarly, fa statements th cause emot distress (sla) or dam someone's reputation (libel) can have legal consequences. The line between protected expression and harmful speech remains a topic of ongoing debate.

4. The decline in reading

The decline in reading is a growing concern. Wi the ri of dig media, peo are spen less ti with pri books. Th shift imp our abi to fo and th critically a reading n only enha vocabulary b also stimu imagination. How, the conve of get quick infor from scr often outw the eff of rea a book. To combat this trend, it is essential to promote the joy of reading from a young age to ensure that future generations continue to benefit from the rich experiences that books offer.