C-test examples (Set 6)


1. Can you afford to go to university?

If you are thinking about university but worried about the cost, you are not alone. Tuition fe, books, a living expe add u quickly, mak higher educ feel o of re for ma. Scholarships he, but a extremely compe. Loans? Th can le you wi a moun of de. It i frustrating wh your dre clash wi your ba account. B do n give u! There are many part-time study options and financial aid programs that can help. Keep exploring and stay determined!

2. Exotic pets

Have you ever thought about getting an exotic pet? Sure, hav a sn, parrot, o even a ti sounds rea cool, b it is n all f and ga. These ani need spe care, di, and enviro that c be tri to man. Plus, th can ca diseases th are har to hum and other pe. So, bef you di into t world of exotic pets, make sure you’re ready for the challenges they bring. If in doubt, seek advice from experienced exotic pet owners or professionals."

3. Meeting my girlfriend

I met my girlfriend in the most unexpected way. I w at a cof shop, try to fi a pl to s, when s offered to sh her ta. We ju started tal and en up chat for ho. We fo out w had s much i common, fr our favo books t our lo for hik. In fa, I as her out for a hike the following weekend, and the rest, as they say, is history. So, what about you? How did you meet your partner?

4. Votes for teenagers

Hey, 16-year-olds! Imagine having a say in decisions that affect your future. Giv you t vote me your vo matters ri now, n just la. It i a cha to sh policies o education, cli change, a other iss that imp you dire. Plus, vot early bui lifelong hab of ci responsibility. Coun such a Austria a Scotland alr trust you voters, seeing them as capable and informed citizens. So, let's push for a change in voting rights which is long overdue.